The City recently released an updated version of the Roosevelt Road Corridor Plan to guide the future of this important commercial corridor in our community. The boundaries of this corridor include Roosevelt Road from Carlton Avenue to the eastern boundary of Wheaton and Glen Ellyn. 

The plan aims to establish a vision supported by the community that ensures the City’s requirements are consistent with the types of development most suitable for the area. Before taking this survey, please review the Updated Draft Roosevelt Road Corridor Plan. In addition, this video will help guide you through the document and highlight key sections. 

After reading the revised draft, we would appreciate your feedback. In addition to this survey, we will be hosting community engagement sessions at City Hall in early 2022 to gather additional feedback.

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* 1. After reading the revised plan, what feedback do you have regarding Sector One (the western end of the corridor, which includes the area of Roosevelt Road from Carlton Avenue to roughly Hale Street)?

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* 2. After reading the revised plan, what feedback do you have regarding Sector Two (which includes the area of Roosevelt Road roughly from Hale Street to Chase Street)?

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* 3. After reading the revised plan, what feedback do you have regarding Sector Three (which includes the area of Roosevelt Road roughly from Chase Street to Blanchard Street)?

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* 4. After reading the revised plan, what feedback do you have regarding Sector Four (which includes the eastern end of Roosevelt Road from Blanchard Street to Wheaton’s eastern limit)?

General Information to Help Us Identify Community Satisfaction with the Plan
This survey is anonymous; however, it would be helpful for us to know some basic information to help us identify if there are groups within the community who have needs that are not being met. Please provide the following basic information:

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* 5. Are you a Wheaton resident?

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* 6. Are you an owner of property along the Roosevelt Road Corridor?

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* 7. Are you an owner of a business along the Roosevelt Road Corridor?

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* 8. Do you currently live on Roosevelt Road?

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* 9. Do you currently live in a neighborhood immediately adjacent to the Roosevelt Road Corridor?

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* 10. Approximately how often do you usually visit the Roosevelt Road Corridor (between Carlton and where Wheaton meets Glen Ellyn)? Pick the closest answer.

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* 11. When you travel within the Roosevelt Road Corridor, do you most often:

Thank you for your input. Please continue to stay tuned to the City’s information sources (website:, Email updates:, Facebook:, Twitter: for upcoming community engagement sessions in early 2022.