SECTION 1: Preamble
The River Road Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan vision for the future includes “thriving, vibrant and active mixed neighborhood centers along the River Road corridor” as well as new housing options.

To implement the vision, the River Road Corridor Study is exploring how new land use concepts and development standards can support existing businesses and build strong neighborhood centers along River Road. This map shows the boundary of the Corridor Study.

Zoning the River Road Corridor
The River Road Corridor Study is currently in the phase of exploring several zoning and code change concepts within the project study area. The Corridor Study is developing ideas for how to use zoning and code, investment, and incentives to help make the River Road Santa Clara Neighborhood plan and to align land uses and growth with potential transit improvements being studied in the Moving Ahead project. 

River Road Corridor - Study Area
The Corridor Study is looking at the segment of River Road between Irving/Hunsaker on the north end and NW Expressway on the south end. Most of the zone changes are being considered for a ¼ mile area around River Road in the two neighborhoods of River Road and Santa Clara.

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<div style="text-align: center;"> </div>
Supporting Neighborhood Plan Goals
These concepts use zoning and development code as one tool to help support and encourage growth and neighborhood change that fits with community goals, including the following from the River Road Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan:
  • Goal 1: Improve the neighborhood economy and empower local residents by encouraging the growth and creation of local businesses.
  • Goal 2: Promote redevelopment that enhances the character of our neighborhood while increasing access to daily needs.
  • Goal 10: Preserve agricultural land and open spaces within and around our neighborhood boundaries.
  • Goal 11: Support development that is well-designed and economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable.
  • Goal 12: Ensure future housing addresses the needs of the community.
  • Goal 13: Support a thriving, vibrant and active River Road Corridor.
  • Goal 14: Promote land use and development that protects and enhances neighborhood character.
Click here to view the River Road Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan Goals

The zoning being developed through the Corridor Study project will support the Neighborhood Plan goals by ensuring that projects are well-designed, sensitive to their neighborhood context, provides a broader variety of housing and business opportunities, and contributes to a thriving River Road area.

What Zoning Does
Zoning controls several important factors that shape how land is used and what development looks like, including where commercial and residential uses are allowed, building heights, parking requirements, density (measured in square footage or dwelling units), and transitions and buffers between properties.

Development Standards
Through both the River Road - Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan and the River Road Corridor Study, community members have expressed how important it is to make sure buildings and development projects fit with neighborhood character. 

The zoning and code being developed will include development standards controlling height, site coverage, parking, landscaping, buffers and screening, and other factors to make sure development projects positively contribute to the River Road Corridor area.

Additional Information:
River Road Corridor Study
Code Evaluation Memo
Economic Study
Public Involvement Plan
River Road Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan
This Questionnaire
The following questions will ask you about your thoughts on how two different zoning/code concepts meet these goals and your opinions on various development types that could occur in these concept zones.

*Note that these concepts are preliminary drafts, are subject to change, and do not constitute an active rezoning proposal.
SECTION 2: Design Principles

These Design Principles were developed during the Corridor Study Workshop #1 in February 2019. They help make sure the physical planning and zoning in the Corridor Study supports Neighborhood Plan goals for active spaces and are a good fit with neighborhood character. You will be asked questions about these Design Principles later in the survey.

Question Title

SECTION 3: Summary of Zoning Concepts

This section introduces two zoning concepts and compares them to current zoning along the River Road Corridor. The two concepts show different ways to use zoning to support community goals, including by:
  • Matching development standards, such as height and site coverage, to fit existing neighborhood character
  • Providing options for more types of housing in the neighborhood and small-medium size multi-family housing along River Road and some key side streets
  • Creating a series of neighborhood centers on River Road to provide more space for businesses, residents, gathering spaces, open space, and other uses
Sections 4, 5, and 6 provide additional information about current zoning and the two concepts.

Question Title

CURRENT ZONING: Zoning as it exists today along River Road
The current zoning in the River Road area produces the development types you see today with current standards for land use, height, density, transitions between properties, parking, and other regulations. Elements of current zoning include:
  • Commercial Centers: C1 and C2 commercial zones along River Road are the primary areas that permit significant growth, though there are some barriers to residential uses, including ground-floor retail requirements
  • Residential Zones: Limitations of housing types and densities in residential areas
  • Building Height: Incompatible and unrealistic height limitations (35’ and 120’) in commercial zones
  • Transitions Between Uses: Lacks transitions of building scale between zones
CONCEPT 1: Narrower Area of Denser Housing
Concept 1 zoning seeks to concentrate growth along River Road and major side streets, provide more opportunity for highly-active mixed-uses at key centers, and designate areas for a wider variety of residential types.
  • Corridor Mixed-Use (C-MU) Zone: 
    • Uses: Broad permission for vertical and horizontal mixed-use; ~55-65’ height limit in Neighborhood Centers
    • Location: All C-1 Neighborhood Commercial and C-2 Community Commercial zoning in the ½ mile Corridor area is converted to C-MU
  • Corridor Residential (C-RES Zone): 
    • Uses: Permits many types of “middle” housing along River Road and major side streets, including 2-3 story apartments, rowhouses, ADU, duplex, triplex, cottage clusters, courtyard housing
    • Location: All R-1 Low-Density Residential and AG Agricultural zoning touching River Road and key side streets within ¼ mile of River Road is converted to C-RES
  • Single-Family Options (SFO) Zone: 
    • Uses: Permits many types of “middle” housing and is used in select locations to help create a transition in scale and density between C-MU zoning at the neighborhood centers and nearby residential area (*note that some residential zoning throughout Eugene may be subject to change due to State of Oregon legislation in HB 2001, City of Eugene FAQ)
    • Location: Any remaining R-1 Low-Density Residential and AG Agricultural parcels touching a future C-MU parcel are converted to SFO
  • Low-Density Residential (R-1) Zone (existing): 
    • Uses: Leaves current R-1 intact (*note that some residential zoning throughout Eugene may be subject to change due to State of Oregon legislation in HB 2001, City of Eugene FAQ)
    • Location: Existing R-1 parcels that aren’t impacted by C-RES or SFO conversion remain as R-1
CONCEPT 2: Wider Area of “Middle” Housing
Concept 2 zoning seeks to concentrate growth at several key centers along River Road at major intersections, provide more opportunity for highly-active mixed-uses, designate some segments of the Corridor for other types of medium-density residential, and expands housing type options throughout the Corridor area.
  • Growth Centers: Concentrated some growth along River Road and widely expands housing type options throughout the Corridor area ¼ mile from River Road 
  • Corridor Mixed-Use (C-MU) Zone:
    • Uses: Broad permission for vertical and horizontal mixed-use; ~55-65’ height limit in Neighborhood Centers
    • Location: All C-1 Neighborhood Commercial and C-2 Community Commercial zoning in the ½ mile Corridor area is converted to C-MU
  • Corridor Residential (C-RES) Zone:
    • Uses: Permits many types of “middle” housing along River Road and major side streets, including 2-3 story apartments, rowhouses, ADU, duplex, triplex, cottage clusters, courtyard housing
    • Location: All R-1 Low-Density Residential and AG Agricultural zoning touching River Road and within ¼ mile of a neighborhood center (defined by the presence of future C-MU parcels) is converted to C-RES
  • Single-Family Options (SFO) Zone:
    • Uses: Permits many types of “middle” housing and is used in select locations to help create a transition in scale and density between C-MU zoning at the neighborhood centers and nearby residential area (*note that some residential zoning throughout Eugene may be subject to change due to State of Oregon legislation in HB 2001, City of Eugene FAQ)
    • Location: Any remaining R-1 Low-Density Residential and AG Agricultural parcels within the ¼ Corridor Study Area are converted to SFO

Question Title

* 1. Rate each concept overall. You will revisit this question again after learning more about the concepts in subsequent questions.

  Strongly Dislike Dislike Neutral Like Strongly Like
Current Zoning
Concept 1
Concept 2

Question Title


SECTION 4: New Zoning Framework Concepts

The zoning/code concepts propose both some changes to current zones and several new zones to be applied along the River Road Corridor. These code “frameworks” are essentially the building blocks that describe what is permitted in each zone. The standards included in this framework will help ensure development is well-designed, enhances neighborhood character, and provides broader options for housing, businesses, and gathering space.

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Question Title

Mixed-Use Residential above Commercial

<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>Mixed-Use Residential above Commercial</strong></span>

Question Title

Stand-alone Commercial

<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>Stand-alone Commercial</strong></span>

Question Title

Stand-alone Residential

<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>Stand-alone Residential</strong></span>

Question Title

Ground Floor Retail Uses

<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>Ground Floor Retail Uses</strong></span>

Question Title

* 3. Do you support permitting the draft concepts, uses and illustrated development types as a means to create a vibrant and active corridor that also fits with neighborhood character?

Question Title

* 4. Do you support a height limit of no more than 5 stories and 55 feet buildings in the C-MU Corridor Mixed-Use zone?

Question Title

* 5. Do you support including uses as listed above in the proposed Corridor Mixed-Use (C-MU) zone to provide areas for a mix of housing, businesses, and gathering spaces in the active mixed-use centers along River Road?

Question Title

* 6. Do you support allowing buildings to be taller (potentially up to 6 stories and 65 feet) if the development includes a beneficial community asset or amenity, such as affordable housing, public open space, sustainable building design, or low-cost commercial space?

Question Title

* 7. Do you support requiring a minimum density for residential-only projects in the C-MU Zone to support an appropriate level of activity, vibrancy and walkability in neighborhood centers?

Question Title

* 8. Do you have any comments on the kinds of development standards (heights, lot sizes, proximity to River Road and transit, design standards, etc.) that should be applied to these uses?

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Question Title

Accessory Dwelling Units

<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>Accessory Dwelling Units</strong></span>

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<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>Duplexes</strong></span>

Question Title

Triplexes and Fourplexes

<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>Triplexes and Fourplexes</strong></span>

Question Title

Courtyard and Cottage Clusters

<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>Courtyard and Cottage Clusters</strong></span>

Question Title

Accessory Dwelling Units

<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>Accessory Dwelling Units</strong></span>

Question Title


<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>Duplexes</strong></span>

Question Title

Triplexes and Fourplexes

<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>Triplexes and Fourplexes</strong></span>

Question Title

Courtyard and Cottage Clusters

<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>Courtyard and Cottage Clusters</strong></span>

Question Title


<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>Rowhouses</strong></span>

Question Title

2-3 Story Walkup Multifamily

<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>2-3 Story Walkup Multifamily</strong></span>

Question Title

* 9. Do you support permitting the draft concepts, uses and illustrated development types as a means to create a vibrant and active corridor that also fits with neighborhood character?

Question Title

* 10. Do you have any comments on the kinds of development standards (heights, lot sizes, proximity to River Road and transit, design standards, etc.) that should be applied to these uses?

SECTION 5: Current Zoning

The standards of the current zoning in the River Road area produce the development types you are experiencing today, controlled by standards for land use, height, density, transitions between properties, parking, and other regulations.
The illustrations below show the current zoning map and the height limits of several current zones located throughout the Corridor.

Question Title

Current Zoning - Zoning Map

<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>Current Zoning - Zoning Map</strong></span>
Current Zoning - Height Diagram
Below shows the current height maximum limits in several existing zones along River Road.
  • C-2 Community Commercial has a 120 feet limit
  • C-1 Neighborhood Commercial has a 35 feet limit
  • R-1 Low-Density Residential has a 30 feet limit

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Question Title

Current Zoning Regulations

<span style="color: #36554f;"><strong>Current Zoning Regulations</strong></span>

Question Title

Recent projects on River Road developed under current zoning 

<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>Recent projects on River Road developed under current zoning </strong></span>

Question Title

* 11. How well do the current zoning and code support relevant Neighborhood Plan community goals?

  Very Poorly Somewhat Poorly Neutral Well Very Well
Goal 1: Improve the neighborhood economy and empower local residents by encouraging the growth and creation of local businesses.
Goal 2: Promote redevelopment that enhances the character of our neighborhood while increasing access to daily needs.
Goal 10. Preserve agricultural land and open spaces within and around our neighborhood boundaries.
Goal 11: Support development that is well-designed and economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable.
Goal 12: Ensure future housing addresses the needs of the community.
Goal 13: Support a thriving, vibrant and active River Road Corridor.
Goal 14: Promote land use and development that protects and enhances neighborhood character.

Question Title


SECTION 6: Concept 1 - Narrower Area of Denser Housing

Goal: Vibrant Mixed Use Corridor with Neighborhood Centers and Corridor Housing, and “Upper-Middle” Housing Options on Major Streets

The illustrations below show the comparison between Current Zoning and Concept 1 Zoning maps, and a cross section view of proposed height limits in the new Concept 1 zones compared to height limits in current zones.

Question Title

How Zones Switch Between Current Zoning and Concept 1 Proposed Zoning 

<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>How Zones Switch Between Current Zoning and Concept 1 Proposed Zoning </strong></span>
Concept 1 - Height Diagram
The below illustration shows proposed height maximums in several new zones (black dashed lines and text) compared to existing height maximums in the zones being replaced (gray dashed lines). Taken together, these new height maximums can help create a more gradual transition of height across different adjacent zones.
  • C-MU height maximum is 55 feet, which replaces the 120 feet height maximum of C-2 and 35 feet height maximum of C-1.
  • C-RES height maximum is 40 feet, replaces the 30 feet height maximum of the R-1 and AG on applicable taxlots.
  • SFO height maximum is 30 feet, the same as the 30 feet height maximum in the R-1 zones it replaces in some locations.

Question Title

Concept 1 assigns SFO Single-Family Options to a small number of properties in the Corridor. This use of SFO is intended to expand neighborhood-scale housing options and to use the development standards of SFO (height, permitted uses, screening and transition requirements, etc.) to help create compatibility between larger C-MU on and near River Road and R1 Low-Density Residential zoning to remain in much of the Corridor area. 

Potential development types in Single-Family Options (SFO) include:
  • Single-family homes
  • Accessory dwelling units
  • Duplexes
  • Triplexes, and fourplexes
  • Courtyard and cottage cluster housing
Please refer to earlier in this questionnaire for photo examples of each residential type.

Question Title

* 13. Do you support including the residential uses listed above in the proposed Single-Family Options (SFO) zone for Concept 1 as a way to add more housing options and create transitions between existing neighborhoods and active mixed-use center along River Road?

Question Title

* 14. Do you have any comments on the kinds of development standards (heights, lot sizes, proximity to River Road and transit, design standards, etc.) that should be applied to these uses?

This new Corridor Residential (C-RES) zone is intended to expand more types of housing options to more properties throughout the Corridor while maintaining the area’s unique neighborhood character. Concept 1 assigns C-RES zoning to all currently-zoned R1 Low-Density Residential and AG Agriculture properties touching River Road or touching major side streets within ¼ mile of River Road. The major side streets include Irving, Hunsaker, Kourt, Maxwell, Howard, Horn, Hilliard, Park, Knoop, and Hansen.

Potential development types in Corridor Residential (C-RES) include:
  • Single-family homes
  • Accessory dwelling units
  • Duplexes
  • Triplexes, and fourplexes
  • Courtyard and cottage cluster housing
  • Rowhouses
  • 2-3 story walkup multi-family housing
 Please refer to earlier in this questionnaire for photo examples of each residential type.

Question Title

* 15. Do you support including residential uses as listed above in the proposed Corridor-Residential (C-RES) zone to add more compatible housing options along both River Road and major side streets?

Question Title

* 16. Do you support a 40 foot and 3-story height limit for C-RES zone development as shown in Concept 1? (Current zoning height limit is 30 foot, 2.5 stories)

Question Title

* 17. Do you have any comments on the kinds of development standards (heights, lot sizes, proximity to River Road and transit, design standards, etc.) that should be applied to these uses?

SECTION 7: Concept 2 - Wider Area of "Middle" Housing

Goal: Vibrant Mixed Use Corridor with Neighborhood Centers and Corridor Housing, and Lower-Middle Housing Options within ¼ Mile of River Road Corridor

The illustrations below show the comparison between Current Zoning and Concept 2 Zoning maps, and a cross section view of proposed height limits in the new Concept 2 zones compared to height limits in current zones.

Question Title

How Zones Switch Between Current Zoning and Concept 2 Proposed Zoning

<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>How Zones Switch Between Current Zoning and Concept 2 Proposed Zoning</strong></span>
Concept 2 - Height Diagram

The below illustration shows proposed height maximums in several new zones (black dashed lines and text) compared to existing height maximums in the zones being replaced (gray dashed lines). Taken together, these new height maximums can help create a more gradual transition of height across different adjacent zones.
  • C-MU height maximum is 55 feet, which replaces the 120 feet height maximum of C-2 and 35 feet height maximum of C-1.
  • C-RES height maximum is 40 feet, replaces the 30 feet height maximum of the R-1 and AG on applicable taxlots.
  • SFO height maximum is 30 feet, the same as the 30 feet height maximum in the R-1 zones it replaces in some locations.

Question Title


Concept 2 assigns Single-Family Options (SFO) to all remaining R1 and AG properties in the ¼ mile Corridor Area. This use of SFO is intended to expand neighborhood-scale housing options throughout the Corridor and to use the development standards of SFO (height, permitted uses, screening and transition requirements, etc.) to support compatibility with existing neighborhoods. 

Potential development types in Single-Family Options (SFO) include:
  • Single-family homes
  • Accessory dwelling units
  • Duplexes
  • Triplexes, and fourplexes
  • Courtyard and cottage cluster housing
Please refer to earlier in this questionnaire for photo examples of each residential type.

Question Title

* 18. Do you support including residential uses as listed above in the proposed Single-Family Options (SFO) zone to increase compatible housing options throughout the ¼ mile Corridor Area?

Question Title

* 19. Do you have any comments on the kinds of development standards (heights, lot sizes, proximity to River Road and transit, design standards, etc.) that should be applied to these uses?

SECTION 8: Goals and Design Principles 

Now that you have reviewed the preliminary code concepts and answered several questions about their details, we’d like to ask several last questions about the higher level goals and principles of the project. Keep in mind that the zoning and code concepts are just one part of the implementation toolset being considered to help shape the future of the River Road Corridor.

A selection of some of the Neighborhood Plan goals:
  • Goal 1: Improve the neighborhood economy and empower local residents by encouraging the growth and creation of local businesses.
  • Goal 2: Promote redevelopment that enhances the character of our neighborhood while increasing access to daily needs.
  • Goal 10: Preserve agricultural land and open spaces within and around our neighborhood boundaries.
  • Goal 11: Support development that is well-designed and economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable
  • Goal 12: Ensure future housing addresses the needs of the community
  • Goal 13: Support a thriving, vibrant and active River Road Corridor
  • Goal 14: Promote land use and development that protects and enhances neighborhood character

Question Title

Design Principles

<span style="color: #36545f;"><strong>Design Principles</strong></span>

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Question Title

* 20. Rate each concept overall:

  Strongly Dislike Dislike Neutral Like Strongly Like
Current Zoning
Concept 1
Concept 2

Question Title

* 21. Which of these options best supports the relevant Neighborhood Plan goals?

Question Title

* 22. Which of these options best supports the Design Principles and is intended to help guide the physical form of the River Road Corridor and surrounding areas?

SECTION 9: Demographics

Question Title

* 23. Please check all that apply to you:

Question Title

* 24. What is the zip code where you live most of the time?

Question Title

* 25. What is your age?

Question Title

* 26. How many people live or stay in your home?

Question Title

* 27. Do you own your home?

Question Title

* 28. Do children or teenagers (17 and under) live in your household?

Question Title

* 29. Do you experience a disability?

Question Title

* 30. Select all race/ethnicities you identify with:

Question Title

* 31. Please estimate your total household income for 2018 before taxes:

Question Title

* 32. Please enter your email address here if you’d like to be entered in a prize drawing for completing this survey. Drawing to be held in late September 2019. Thanks!