Nominate a Social Worker

Please complete this form in conjunction with the Nomination Guidelines.

It is important for your nominee to read through the ‘conditions of entry’ on the website and in the Nomination Guidelines and understand and agree to them before completing the Nomination.

This online form allows you to enter all information regarding your nomination. If you wish to save your form and return to it later, please use the same computer or email link to access the form. To ensure you do not lose any data however, we strongly suggest you keep a copy of your answers in a word document for your own reference.

Any further information can be accessed on our website:

If you experience any problems contact our Project Coordinator:

Tess Maisey & Sarah Linnegar
Project Coordinators
(08) 6323 1743

Question Title

* 1. Nomination Checklist
Don't worry if you don't have all of the below, you can still start your nomination now!

  Yes No
The nominee meets the Conditions of Entry
I have the nominees details (name, contact etc.)
I have the two referees details (name, contact etc.)
I have a copy of the nominees recent CV

Question Title

* 2. Nominator's Name:

Question Title

* 3. Nominator's Email Address: