Thank you for your interest in hosting a presentation for your local group to learn about the rising needs surrounding homelessness in our region!

Our sessions offer valuable insights into the challenges faced by individuals experiencing homelessness. Many attendees are shocked by what they learn, gaining a deeper understanding of the issue. You’ll have the chance to ask questions and explore how you can take action. By spreading awareness and educating others, you can help us further our mission to support those in need!

Question Title

* 1. Contact Name

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* 2. Organization/Group/Club (if applicable)

Question Title

* 3. Phone

Question Title

* 5. When would you like to host your presentation?


Question Title

* 6. Are there any topics you would like us to be sure to include in our presentation?

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* 7. What is your goal for this presentation? Please select all that apply.

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* 8. Is there anything else you would like us to know?