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The National Center for Youth Law, East Bay Community Law Center, and our statewide coalition of youth justice policy advocates have launched the Release and Reconnect: Protect California's Youth initiative to ensure that California policymakers and the public are aware of the significant challenges that system-involved youth, their families, legal advocates, and community-based service providers are facing amid the COVID-19 outbreak. Help us elevate your experiences to educate the media and state policymakers about needed improvements to youth diversion, in-custody treatment, re-entry, and community-based organization (“CBO”) resources. 

This survey will take approximately 3 minutes to complete.  Please complete as many surveys as applicable. For example, if you are a young person who was recently in custody and received re-entry services when you were released, please fill out the custody questions and then take the survey again to fill out the re-entry questions.  Likewise, if you are a CBO that provides diversion and re-entry services, please fill out the diversion questions and then take the survey again to fill out the re-entry questions. 

Your responses will be aggregated and anonymized when shared externally.  Personal information will be kept confidential, but responses will be used for research purposes.  

We appreciate your help to increase the health and safety of California’s vulnerable, underserved youth. Thank you for your participation!

If you have any issues or questions about the survey, please contact Yasmine Tager ( or Ellie Gladstone (

Question Title

* Who are you?

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