Registrar Training Quiz

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* 1. Please answer all the questions below so you are given credit for completing the training.

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* 2. The Service Unit Registrar is appointed by and responsible to the __________________________.

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* 3. The registration area is the _______________ of the Service Unit.

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* 4. The registration for the Girl Member, Adult Member and Dues Summary forms are to be completed by the __________________.

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* 5. The Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Council code is _____.

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* 6. The Service Unit code is recorded as three digits (6 + ________) unless the Service Unit already has three digits.

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* 7. Parents have the ability to "Opt-out" of all recording of their daughter by ______________________________.

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* 8. If a girl was a Girl Scout three years ago and wants to become one again, she is considered to be ______________ on the registration form.

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* 9. Lifetime membership is a complicated process where only girls are allowed to apply.

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* 10. Membership Dues Summary forms should be filled out only once a year.

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* 11. Completed registration packets turned into the SU Registrar should include:

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* 12. SU Registrars should create a tracking system for all the registrations they receive.

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* 13. SU Registrars should fill out a Troop Registration Summary Form when they turn in registrations to the Council.

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* 14. Troop Numbers are assigned by __________________________.

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* 15. A list of available Troop Numbers can be received from __________________________.

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* 16. Juliettes are individually registered girls that are not a part of a Troop. The Troop Number for the registration forms are 20 + SU # (Daisy-Junior) and 49 + SU # (Cadette-Ambassador).

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* 17. Change of Membership Information forms are submitted whenever a member's address, name, position or Troop changes. These forms are submitted after the initial registration has been processed.

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* 18. There is a special form to submit when a New Troop is formed from already registered girls.

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* 19. If you need more forms or Troop numbers, you can get them from ___________________________________.

Thank you for completing your Registrar Training Quiz. Your answers will be reviewed and notice of your completion of the quiz will be given to your Service Unit Manager.

If you have any questions, call Sue Rowe at 302-456-7171 or Tiffanie Chandler at 410-742-5107.