Thank you for participating!

We know you're busy and are grateful that your organization will be represented in the story of the regional nonprofit sector that this survey will create. 

The survey closes at 8am Monday 12/14, and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Results will remain anonymous and confidential (unless you give written permission for us to share a quote). The survey report will feature key themes and significant data points, and be shared with regional nonprofits, funders, government and community leaders, and capacity builders about the state of the sector and related strengths, opportunities and needs.

We are offering a number of incentives as an appreciation of your time. Each person that completes the survey has an opportunity to win. Let us know what you're most interested in at the end of the survey.

Please contact us with questions, ideas or concerns: or 707.267.9916

Thank you!

--Amy Jester, Haley Clark, & Keri Mosey
Northern California Association of Nonprofits & Del Norte Nonprofit Alliance

17% of survey complete.