Vouchers Could Work for your Group!

Have you considered purchasing Voucher Codes to distribute to your attendees that they can use as the form of payment at checkout?   Providing your attendees Voucher codes gives them the freedom to make their own course selections for the Region III event while still ensuring they are not paying out of pocket and saves you time in trying to gather the course enrollment information and changes!  The attendee will login to their ICC Account (username and password), select the courses they prefer from the Region III registration page and at checkout simply enter the Voucher Code in the "Apply Discount Code" field. 
If you would like to purchase Vouchers for your group, click here: Region III Vouchers
If members of your team do not have an ICC Account or have never created a username and password, they can do so here: Get an ICC Username and Password

If you still wish to complete an online form for your entire group, click "Next"