The purpose of our community survey is to provide the public and policymakers with information regarding resident satisfaction with City services. Once the surveys are completed, the City examines the results and looks for opportunities to make service improvements.  THANK YOU in advance for completing the survey!

Question Title

* 1. When it comes to Parks, please rank what features are the most important to you? (1) - being most important Rank (1-6)

  1 2 3 4
Open Space/Natural Areas
Pavilions, Picnic Tables
Sports Fields/Sport Courts

Question Title

* 2. In the past 12 months, how frequently did you:

  Daily Weekly Monthly A Few Times Never
Use a City trail (ex: Dry Canyon Trail, Homestead Canal Trail)
Visit a park in your neighborhood
Visit a specialized park (ex: Skate Park, Bike Pump Track, Dog Park)
Visit a community park (ex: American Legion, Sam Johnson, Centennial, Bowlby)

Question Title

* 3. How do you rate the quality of City parks in the following categories?

  Very Good Good Neutral Bad Very Bad Don't Know
Well-Maintained and Clean Grounds and Facilities
Amenities (trails, playgrounds, other)
Sport Fields and Courts (Tennis/Pickleball Courts, Baseball/Softball Fields, Soccer Fields)

Question Title

* 4. Have you visited Juniper Golf Course in the past 12 months for golfing or dining?

Question Title

* 5. How safe do you feel during the day:

  Very Safe Safe Neutral Unsafe Very Unsafe No Opinion
In your neighborhood
In the park closest to you

Question Title

* 6. How safe do you feel at night:

  Very Safe Safe Neutral Unsafe Very Unsafe No Opinion
In your neighborhood
In the park closest to you
17% of survey complete.