
You are invited to participate in a survey to help inform the planning and development of a CMHA Windsor-Essex County Branch Recovery College Program.

Your feedback will help guide the planning and development of Recovery College courses so that topics are interesting and relevant to our communities. 

The Recovery College program, an evidence-based model developed in the UK, is an innovative mental health learning centre that offers free courses for everyone living in Windsor-Essex who is interested. Courses strive to support individuals in living their best life by covering diverse topics that support mental health, well-being, and personal mental health recovery. What makes this Recovery College unique is that all the courses are co-designed and co-delivered by people with professional and lived experience of mental health challenges and other topic experts.

Participation is voluntary. Your responses will remain confidential. Responses will not be identified by individual but will be compiled and analyzed as a group. Information from this survey may be shared with internal and external organizations for program development purposes. The survey will take roughly 5 minutes to complete. By completing this survey, you are agreeing to the terms as described.

If you have any questions or would like support or assistance with completing this survey, please contact the CMHA Windsor-Essex County Branch Mental Health Promotion team at or email 

Question Title

* 1. Stress is a normal response to pressures/demands in life. However, experiencing stress over a long period of time can sometimes negatively impact your mental well-being. 

Which of the following stressors or significant life events have you experienced recently or currently experience that impacts your well-being? Select all that apply.

Question Title

* 2. For each statement, please indicate how accessible each of the services are to you in your community. Accessibility is defined as the ability to access, obtain or use a service.

  Not at all accessible Limited accessibility. Somewhat accessible. Accessible.
Learning about mental health and treatment options (e.g., how to manage stress and anxiety, anger management)
Organized recreational/leisure/social activities (e.g., music, art)
Opportunities to build life skills (e.g., financial literacy, managing expectations, cooking healthy meals, etc.)
Vocational/employment support (e.g., career counselling)
Opportunities to learn about oneself (e.g., journaling, meditation, self-discovery)

Question Title

* 3. Recovery College courses aim to support you in living your best life. Below are some examples of the types of courses offered at the Recovery College.

What type(s) of courses would you be most interested in taking to support your mental health. Select all that apply.

Question Title

* 4. Do you have any other specific suggestions for course topics you would like to be offered at the Recovery College? Please specify below.

Question Title

* 5. Would you be interested in attending the Recovery College program?

Question Title

* 6. We do not have a name for the new Recovery College yet.

Please check off any of the names you like from the list below or please share your own ideas for a Recovery College name.