Managing Partner Dan Wicker delivered a simple, but profound message to CWA 24th Annual Meeting attendees in New York City this month: For successful companies, it is perceived WARMTH that fosters consumer loyalty. Where do we stand? Answer the questions below to rate CWA's warmth and competence.

Question Title

* 1. On a scale from 1-7,indicate how well the following statements describe CWA where 1 = DOES NOT DESCRIBE AT ALL and 7 = DESCRIBES EXTREMELY WELL.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Is warm
Is trustworthy
Is competent
Is capable

Question Title

* 2. Indicate the degree to which you feel admiration for CWA at this point in time. 1 = NO ADMIRATION AT ALL and 7 = EXTREMELY STRONG ADMIRATION.