1. What to expect

New Detroit, a racial justice organization, is piloting a survey to understand the racial equity, diversity, and inclusion within organizations. New Detroit has hired Thomas P. Miller & Associates (TPMA), a third-party consulting firm in Indianapolis, to design and test the survey. You are being asked to complete this survey to share feedback on your experiences within your organization and how you perceive organizational actions, decisions, and policies as they relate to racial equity. The information you share will be used by New Detroit and TPMA to improve the survey. 
Your participation in this survey is voluntary and you can stop the survey at any time. New Detroit, in collaboration with TPMA, will collect and analyze the data to confirm the reliability of the survey. Your responses are anonymous and will only be provided to your organization in an aggregated form (e.g., your individual responses will be combined with other responses from within the organization). The survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.  
This survey will ask sensitive questions about race, equity, and inclusion. We have designed this survey to minimize the risk of discomfort so that the risk is no greater than that experienced in daily life. Please answer questions truthfully and honestly based on your personal experiences, observations, and organizational knowledge. If you feel you have experienced any distress after completing this survey, please dial 211 from any phone to find additional local support.
By clicking “Next,” you are agreeing to start the survey. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Rebecca Irby, Director, at rirby@newdetroit.org   
Thank you for your feedback and valuable input! 
11% of survey complete.