Thank you for taking the time to review "Navigating Wellness: A Guide to Primary Health Care for Older Adults in New Zealand." This version marks the final iteration of the guidebook, and your feedback is invaluable to us.
Your input will be utilised internally to assess the final product and will also be shared with the project funders, CHT Aged Care Fund. Please rest assured that your personal information will remain confidential and will not be disclosed externally.

Question Title

* 1. Your details (this is for internal use only but you can skip if you wish to remain anonymous)

Question Title

* 2. Did you receive a hardcopy or digital copy of the guidebook?

Overall Impressions

Question Title

* 3. What were your initial impressions upon reading the guidebook?

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* 4. Were there any specific sections or features that stood out to you?

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* 5. Were there any aspects that you think need more emphasis or were not adequately covered?

Question Title

* 6. Would you recommend this guidebook to older people and/or their loved ones navigating primary care in New Zealand?

Relevance to New Zealand Healthcare System

Question Title

* 7. Do you feel the guidebook is tailored to the specific needs of older people navigating the New Zealand primary healthcare system?

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* 8. Do you think the included resources (self assessment & support sections) would be helpful for older people and/or their families?

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* 9. Who do you think would find this guidebook beneficial? (select all that apply)

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* 10. Where do you think hardcopies of the guidebook should be available? (Select all that apply)

Design and Layout

Question Title

* 11. Did you find the guidebook visually appealing?

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* 12. Did you find the design of the guidebook conducive to easy reading and understanding?

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* 13. Do you believe the illustrations effectively capture and maintain the attention of readers?

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* 14. Did the guidebook use language and tone that was respectful and easily understood?

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* 15. Are there any changes to the format, structure, or design that you would recommend?

Final thoughts

Question Title

* 16. Any further comments or suggestions?

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* 17. Would you be happy to provide a short testimonial supporting the guidebook? If yes, please provide your best contact details and we will contact you directly

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* 18. How likely is it that you would recommend Navigating Wellness to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely