This short survey aims to collect latest information among EFJ affiliates to provide an overview of the current recruitment strategy, development of services and youth in journalists' unions for the EFJ workshop on ''Let's organise, invest in youth and skills'' in Copenhagen on 11 - 12 May. Results of the survey will be used to develop future EFJ strategies in this area and shared with its affiliates.

Please leave your contact information below so that we can keep you updated about the Copenhagen meeting and latest best practices among the EFJ affiliate on recruitment, youth and skills. 

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* 2. Membership statistics

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* 3. Which of the following occupations in the media are accepted in your membership?

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* 5. Is there any legal barrier preventing a journalist/media worker from joining the union?


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* 6. What is the total number of journalists and media workers working in the following sectors in the media? Please complete if you can obtain such data from government census or other institutions.

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* 7. What is the number of members you have working in the following sector in the media?


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* 8. What is the percentage of elected leaders/board members who are aged or under 35 years old in your union? What are their positions?

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* 9. Do you have specific committee, council or official body within the union for young journalists?


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* 10. Does your organisation have any of the following designated post or personnel exclusively working on recruitment?

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* 11. What kind of recruitment activities do you organise to reach out to new members?

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* 12. What are the communications tools you use to communicate to members?


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* 13. Do you have any training/educational services for your members on skills and career development?

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* 14. What are the reasons for journalists and media workers to join your union?

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* 15. According to your experience or feedback received from members, why do your members leave the union?


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* 16. Do you foresee/plan to have any changes in your membership criteria in the future in order to increase the nubmer of members? If so, which of the following groups of member do you want to increase or create?

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* 17. If you have any comment or additional information, please fill it in the comment box below.

If you wish to know more about the EFJ workshop in Copenhagen and the Rights and Jobs in Journalism, please visit the our website. The project is funded by the European Commission DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion as part of the two-year project Rights and Jobs in Journalism.

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