Design Concepts Questionnaire - deadline October 2, 2020

BC Housing is planning for the redevelopment of 1451 and 1469 Bertram Street, in downtown Kelowna, BC. The focus of the redevelopment is to create urgently needed new affordable non-market and market rental housing for seniors, couples, individuals and families.

Please refer to the Bertram Redevelopment Brochure for more information about the overall direction for the redevelopment planning work and the design ideas under consideration. 

Before a proposal is made to the City of Kelowna, BC Housing is looking for your feedback on the planning work through this 10-minute questionnaire.  A space for general comments is provided at the end of the questionnaire.  Thank you for taking the time to provide your input. 

Question Title

* 1. What describes your relationship to the Bertram Street redevelopment property? Check all categories that apply.

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* 2. How important is it that new NON-MARKET RENTAL housing is built in Kelowna’s downtown? Please select one.

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* 3. How important is it that new MARKET RENTAL housing is built in Kelowna’s downtown? Please select one.

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* 4. The redevelopment is considering including a children’s daycare with a play area along Bertram. How important is this new daycare service in Kelowna’s downtown? Please select on.

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* 5. The redevelopment is considering 8 family townhomes along Bertram Street and 6 family townhomes facing north. How important is it that these townhomes be included in the redevelopment? Please select one.

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* 6. The townhomes would be designed to enhance the residential look and feel of the redevelopment.  What architectural style do you think is most appropriate for the new townhomes?  Please select one.

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* 7. The redevelopment is planning for a 17-storey apartment building on a 3-storey parkade.  The apartment is planned to house approximately 186 units.  The tall building form allows separation from immediate neighbours and greenspace at ground level and on the parkade, but the tall building will be visible from a distance.  A lower and wider apartment building, closer to immediate neighbours, was also considered by the project team.

In your opinion, should BC Housing continue to plan for a tall apartment or reconsider a wider but lower apartment? Please select one.

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* 8. A 3-storey parkade is planned behind the townhomes and daycare.  Because of the walkable downtown location and the proximity to transit, future residents of the redevelopment will be encouraged to use transit and other active transportation options.

Close to one vehicle parking spot will be available for every housing unit.   Please choose the response that best describes your opinion on this parking plan.

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* 9. The redevelopment will upgrade the sidewalk and public space along the Bertram Street section of the property and create a new bicycle lane.  How important is it that project team also include the following additional features along Bertram Street?

  Very important Somewhat important Neither important nor unimportant Somewhat unimportant Not important no response
Sidewalk lighting
Protection of existing trees along Bertram
Planting additional trees along Bertram
Universal design for mobility, visually or hearing impaired
Public art
Directional signage

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* 10. BC Housing will redesign the landscaping between the townhomes, the daycare, and Bertram Street. Please choose the response that best describes how you think this area should be landscaped?

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* 11. BC Housing is planning a leadership role in mitigating climate change through a number of project features.  How important is it that BC Housing pursue the following?

  Very important Somewhat important Neither important nor unimportant Somewhat unimportant Not important no response
Implementation of BC Energy Step Code 3 (i.e., construction standards to encourage environmental sustainability)
Passive energy design (i.e., building design that uses the sun’s energy to minimize energy consumption)
Xeriscaping (i.e., landscaping requiring little or no irrigation)
Construction waste diversion from landfill of 60%

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* 12. Please provide any additional related comments. What do you like most and, or, least, about the design ideas presented for the redevelopment?