Preliminary Visioning Survey

Thank you for your interest in Central Massachusetts' Regional Plan: Imagine 2050!
This plan will be a guide for future funding & implementation priorities for the Central Massachusetts region. 
We want your feedback on what matters to YOU. 

Question Title

Allow us to set the scene: we are Imagining our ideal 2050. This survey does not include budgetary restrictions, project delays, or compromises. Complete your rankings by considering which priorities most align with your values. 
Learn more & stay connected:

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* Email Address

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* I'd like to join the Imagine2050 mailing list to see our plan come to life

Please fill out the following question by ranking the options 1-10 (1 as the most important to you)

Question Title

* #1 Economy
By 2050, I Imagine a Central Massachusetts with...
(Economy is defined as local economic development & workforce development)

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* What other aspects of the Central Massachusetts Economy do you Imagine for 2050? (100 characters)

Please fill out the following question by ranking the options 1-10 (1 as the most important to you)

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* #2 Environment
By 2050, I Imagine a Central Massachusetts with...
(Environment is defined as the local interactions of all living species, climate, and natural resources that affect human life)

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* What other aspects of the Central Massachusetts Environment do you Imagine for 2050? (100 characters)

Please fill out the following question by ranking the options 1-10 (1 as the most important to you)

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* #3 Equity
By 2050, I Imagine a Central Massachusetts with...
(Equity is defined as the consistent and systematic fair, just, and impartial treatment of all individuals)

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* What other aspects of Equity in Central Massachusetts do you Imagine for 2050? (100 characters)

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* Any additional comments you'd like to add? (100 characters)

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* What is your race or ethnicity? (check all that apply)

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* What is your current age?

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100% of survey complete.