We're eager to hear what you'd like to see from the Whole Grains Council in the coming months. Tell us how we can help you get more visibility for your whole grain products and help us shape our plans for our next Whole Grains Conference coming in fall 2018. 

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* 1. Which WGC benefits are most useful to you? 

  Extremely useful to us. Very useful to us.  Somewhat useful to us.  Not very useful to us. Never useful to us or N/A. Was not aware of this benefit. 
Using the Whole Grain Stamp on packaging.
Participating in promotions like Whole Grains Month and Whole Grains Sampling Day.
Getting regulatory and/or marketing advice from WGC staff.
Using handouts and educational materials from the WGC website.
Being included on our grain sourcing pages. (Mail Order Grain Sources or Wholesale Ingredient Sources)
Receiving updates in the monthly member newsletter.

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* 2. What other benefits would you like to see the WGC provide members? For example, our Whole Grains are Good for You, from Head to Toe! handout was created after speaking to members who wanted to be able to show customers exactly why whole grains are so healthy.

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* 3. What do you see as your biggest hurdles to expanding your whole grain offerings?

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* 4. How can we help you expand your Stamp use to other countries? Have you come across any challenges trying to reach international markets?

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* 5. We are beginning planning for our fall 2018 conference. Who do you want to get your products and capabilities in front of?

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* 6. Who do you want to learn from at our 2018 conference (speakers, companies, etc.), and what topics are you interested in?

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* 7. What would a successful conference look like to you? If you'd been involved in this conference, what would make you say, "Gee, I'm so glad we got involved in that" a week or a month after it was over?

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* 8. Any other ideas, suggestions, or comments about how the WGC can best serve you with additional resources, information, or anything else?