Thank you for your interest in PACER FUN TIMES program. Please complete this form and submit it. If you have questions, please contact PACER FUN TIMES coordinator

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* 1. Please enter information about the PARTICIPANT. All boxes must have an answer. If the question does not apply to the participant, enter NA.

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Please enter information about the participant's parent, guardian, or emergency contact person. All boxes must have an answer. If any information is the same as the participant's, enter SAME AS ABOVE. If not applicable, enter NA.

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Please enter information about the participant's other parent, guardian, or emergency contact person. If any information is the same as the participant's, enter SAME AS ABOVE. If not applicable, enter NA.

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* 4. Does the participant have a disability, Y or N?

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* 5. Does the participant need any accommodations to participate in FUN TIMES activities, or is there information you want PACER to know?

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* 6. Why does the participant want to be involved in FUN TIMES?

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* 7. List activities that the participant thinks would be fun and interesting.

Thank you for filling out this interest form. PACER's FUN TIMES coordinator, Danna Mirviss, will be in touch with you about the upcoming activities. Please click SUBMIT to send in your form.