Survey for Downtown Farmersville Specific Plan

The City of Farmersville has initiated the preparation of a Specific Plan for downtown Farmersville. A Specific Plan is a comprehensive planning document and regulatory tool and will guide development in downtown through customized land use and design regulations and provide recommendations for improvements to public areas such as streets, sidewalks, landscape planters, etc. 
This planning effort will focus on making the downtown area a more cohesive part of the City to truly function as the heart of the community, with the goal being to strengthen the area for existing future commercial, public and housing development.
Your input will help ensure that our planning efforts take into account the needs and concerns of the community. With that in mind, would you please take a few minutes to answer the following survey?

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* 1. How Often do you visit Downtown?

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* 2. What are the reasons you come to Downtown? (please select all at apply) 

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* 3. Currently, there are some good things about Downtown Farmersville. What do you like most about Downtown? Please pick three strengths that are most important to you.

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* 4. What are the key issues that Downtown is currently facing? Please rate these key issues from "Not Important at All" to "Extremely Important" by placing an "X" in the appropriate box.

  Extremely Important Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important at all
Need more shopping and dining options
A lot of vacant buildings
Lack of housing
Not ADA compliant (difficult for disabled people to get around)
Nothing to do Downtown
Lack of Shade Trees
Not enough lighting at night
Other (please specify)

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* 5. The following elements help make a downtown successful. Please rank the elements in order that you think would help make Downtown Farmersville successful (most to least effective.)

  1 Most Important 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Least
Varied choice of uses and experiences-retail, restaurants, entertainment, civic, service or non-profits 
Mixed use (stores on the ground floor, housing above)
Pedestrian and bicycle friendly environment- comfortable, walkable, shaded, lighting
Outdoor seating and dining 
Renovated and preserved historic buildings facades
Well-designed new buildings that fit the character of Downtown
More shade trees and landscaping
Regular community events Public art

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* 6. Currently, there are a lot of opportunities in the Downtown to build on. Which opportunities are most exciting to you (pick three)?

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* 7. If you could pick one "new" use to be added to the downtown, what would that be?

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* 8. Is there anything else you would like to share about the future of downtown Farmersville?

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* 9. What is your current age range?

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* 10. Where do you live?

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* 11. If you would like to stay up to date on project news, updates and events, please provide your email: