Responses to the following questions will define and guide future conversations between the City of St. Joseph and the business community.

Your voice matters and your answers are valued.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Would you like your name/business kept confidential?

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* 3. There are three upcoming meetings that will focus on opportunities for growth in the relationship between the City of St. Joseph and the business community. To make those meetings as focused and productive as possible, please indicate, as a business/property owner, your level of satisfaction in your relationship with the City in the following areas:

  Positive Somewhat Positive Neutral Somewhat Negative Negative
Communication: consistency, timeliness, clarity
Collaboration: mutually beneficial partnership
Cooperation: teamwork, shared visions, assistance provided as needed
Problem Solving: commitment to resolutions and finding common ground
Anticipation/Proactive: planning together before conflict arises
Customer/Community Service: City services and stakeholder interactions
Marketing/Public Relations: telling the story of our community, building a reputation of greatness

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* 4. Rank the items below in order of the most immediate need.

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* 5. In your opinion, name one thing that would make a positive impact on the business community in St. Joseph?