Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.  Your constructive feedback is very important to us and will help shape the City’s process and protocols for coordination and outreach/communications with residents on future undergrounding projects throughout the City.  

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* 1. Please indicate your name; property address; phone; email address

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* 2. From your perspective, were the project activities generally organized in an effective manner to keep construction moving?

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* 3. Were you able to safely travel through the work area?

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* 4. Were there adequate detours during temporary road closures?

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* 5. Was access to your driveway/property maintained throughout the project?

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* 6. If access was not maintained, did you receive sufficient notice that access would be impacted?

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* 7. Was the construction work area safely secured at the end of each workday?

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* 8. Do you feel you were kept well-informed throughout the project?

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* 9. Were you provided with contact information for who to call if you had questions?

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* 10. Were your inquires responded to timely?

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* 11. Generally, what do you feel went well with regard to the handling of the project?

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* 12. What suggestions do you have for how the process can be improved moving forward?