Question Title

* 1. What are the top issues for bargaining this round? This can be monetary issues (such as wages, benefits, etc) or proposed changes to contract language. Please list up to 5 topics in order of priority with a brief explanation.

Question Title

* 2. What are the top proposed items that can improve working conditions? Please list up to 5 topics in order of priority with a brief explanation.

Question Title

* 3. Is there anything you would suggest to improve the Grievance Procedure? Please provide a brief explanation or answer with N?A if there aren't any suggestions.

Question Title

* 4. What are your feelings concerning Overtime Requirements and the Fair Distribution of Overtime?

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* 5. Please list any other comments/concerns and tell us what we can do to make this survey better for you.

Question Title

* 6. Please enter your name and card number for verification.