While the British Library responds to the significant disruption to its services, we are seeking recommendations for workarounds to provide historians with access to alternative resources to help sustain historical research.

On this page we invite you to propose such alternatives to help the historical community continue its work while we wait for the restoration of British Library services in full. Please submit your proposals below. These will be reviewed and added the the Royal Historical Society's blog, 'Web Access to British Library Databases: Workarounds for Historians'.

Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Contact email

Question Title

* 3. Please add here details of proposed alternative resources to serve as workarounds for British Library databases while BL services are restored. Please provide the name of the proposed resource, the BL database it serves to support as an alternative, and the URL for this alternative resource.

If you are proposing more than one website, please begin each recommendation on a new line.