ENG 151 - Academic Writing

This course assessment survey is being given out at the end of the semester to every student taking ENG 151. The English Department will use the answers to this survey to help us determine whether or not our ENG 151 courses are fulfilling the goals we have for first-year writing. This survey is not assessing the instructor or the student but the course itself. Your answers to this survey are anonymous. Questions about your participation are anonymous and meant to give aggregate data to help the English Department understand the results.

Question Title

* 1. What term did you take this course? (For trimester courses choose fall for 1st and 2nd trimester and spring for 3rd trimester)

Question Title

* 2. Please respond to the statements below by indicating your level of agreement or disagreement with the statements.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
This course helped me improve my writing.
This course helped me think about how to plan my writing.
This course helped me state a main idea (focus/thesis).
This course helped me develop main ideas with specific details (such as examples, evidence, or statistics).
This course helped me organize my ideas and information.
This course helped me consider the audience (reader) for my paper.
This course helped me learn how to do library and online research.
This course helped me learn how to integrate outside information (sources) into my own writing.
This course helped me learn how to document sources.
This course helped me learn how to revise my papers.
This course helped me consider how to make appropriate style choices (such as choices about words, sentence length, and tone) when writing.
This course helped me identify patterns of error that I make and learn to correct them.
This course helped me analyze and/or critique my own and other students' writing.
This course helped empower me to write.
I attended class regularly.
I completed all of the work according to assignment requirements.
The teacher-to-student ratio was appropriate for me to receive adequate feedback and support.
I am aware of other SMSU resources that support writing other than my instructor.

Question Title

* 3. I am taking English 151

Question Title

* 4. I am a