Developing a High Level Goal for inclusion in LCDC's Local Community Plan

Monaghan Local Community Development Committee is devising a Local Community Plan for Co. Monaghan. So far, the LCDC has agreed a Socio Economic Statement for the county, and from this identified six High Level Goals that they want to see advanced during the lifetime of the Plan. 

One of these goals is ‘continue to support & strengthen community & voluntary activity and civic participation in the county’, and they have asked the PPN to consider how this might best be achieved. 
We need your help.
Please give the above Goal some thought. We're looking for Actions - things that can be done - which will help to achieve a strengthened community sector, and more participation in civil society.
We are hosting a workshop to brainstorm the Actions on 6th October.  We will bring all submissions on this survey to that workshop, to help us to get the ball rolling.
If you would like to join us at the workshop, which will take place from 6pm to 9pm, please contact clambe@monaghancoco to book your place.
This survey will close on October 5th.
As a thank you for participating in the survey, we are running a draw for a €100 One4all Voucher.  To enter the draw, just supply your name and contact details at the end of the survey.
Thank you for your support.
The PPN Secretariat