Riverland Wine & Food Festival 2020 post event survey

Thank you for participating in this survey so that event organisers can understand how the Riverland Wine & Food Festival has gone. 
It will take about 6 minutes and you will not be identified with any of your answers. 
Your answers will help make this event even better in the future. 
Thanks for taking the time to help us out by responding. 

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* 1. Have you already done the survey for this event?

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* 2. Was the Riverland Wine & Food Festival the main reason you were at the Riverland on the weekend 16-18 October 2020?

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* 3. Which of the following describes where you usually live?

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* 4a. What is your post code?

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* 4b. Which country are you from?

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* 5. Did you stay any nights away from home because of the event?

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* 6. On this trip, how many nights will you stay, or have you stayed

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* 7. What type of accomodation are you using for the stay near the event?

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* 8. How likely are you to attend the event again next year?

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* 9. Including yourself, how many people were in your group attending Riverland Wine & Food Festival?

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* 10. How many are 18 and over?

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* 11. How much do you think you spent in the area whilst attending the Riverland Wine & Food Festival?  Please include any spending you have made with local businesses in the region.  Please include all spending cash, EFT, credit card by yourself and any members of your group.  If you're not sure please provide your best guess.

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* 12. How many people aged 18 and over did this expenditure cover?  Please include yourself.

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* 13. If Interstate/Overseas: Not including your spending in the event region how much do you think you have spent - or will spend - in South Australia on this visit?

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* 14. On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being 'very dissatisfied' and 5 'very satisfied', how satisfied were you with the following aspects of the event?

  Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied N/A
Getting to the event
Event staff
Food and drink
Impact on the local community
Impact on pride of the local community
Overall event experience

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* 15. Where did you get MOST of your information about this event?

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* 16. What is your age group?

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* 17. What gender do you identify with