KWRK-LP Listener Survey 2024
do you listen to KWRK-LP?
a lot: 2+ hours most days
daily: ~1 hour most days
daily: in my car
weekly: as time allows
Mostly I listen to these particular shows:
do you listen to KWRK-LP?
Radio only
Both radio and online, or just online
[please describe, including web address used]
do you listen to KWRK-LP on the radio?
Is the broadcast quality good there? (If
no or not always
, please be specific - location and details of variability, topography, air quality, etc.. Thank you.
No/not always (please rank and describe: 1 being poor to 9 being mostly very good):
KWRK-LP is analysis heavy - does the station meet your needs for news?
Yes, Democracy Now (weekdays 0400, 0800, and 12noon) and KPFA headlines (Mo-Th ~5PM) are plenty for me.
No. Weekends feel like a news vacuum, and I'd try to tune in for a half hour KPFA evening news broadcast on Saturday or Sunday evening, or both.
Not really but I'm ok with a break on the weekends.
Two hours of children's programming on weekend mornings is
important to my kids
important to me
really doesn't matter
too random to be useful
cute but kind of annoying
some combo or none of those; suggestions for improvement:
Are there changes to our programming that you would like to see? (Specific topics, syndicated or local programming requests, etc.)
Yes (please clarify)
How do you feel about KWRK-LP?
KWRK-LP strikes a solid chord of candid truth telling from diverse perspectives; keep up the good work.
KWRK-LP is biased and leaves a lot out.
KWRK-LP is all death and destruction; people do amazing things and I want good news.
Truth hurts,
y'all need to lighten up;
less news, more music and pablum.
None of the above
Suggestions, clarifications, accolades, complaints:
We need volunteers! Are you interested in volunteering to keep KWRK-LP on the air?
IF YES please answer to describe and provide contact info and availability such as time(s) of day & week, etc., as needed in the final comment box below.
~ 1/2 hr twice or more per week
1/2 hr or less, once per week
Yes, I want to know who to contact when something's not right
Yes, I could help with minor tasks that involve minimal tech savvy
Yes, I have a show idea that I could produce with a little help (meetings 3rd Th; 530 PM)
Yes, I'll make a KWRK-LP ID after the frequency change
Not right now but I'll keep listening [We need you, too!]
Anything else you'd like us to know?
Contact info will always be kept confidential. You are also always welcome to contact us at or 907 374 0577.
THANK YOU for answering these questions!!
Contact Info, additional comments: