Durham County Council is keen to know if they're getting things right with Streets and how they can improve it. By taking part in this short survey, you can help us to make the festival even better!

The survey is being carried out by members of the festival team and the data will be analysed by Durham County Council. The questionnaire is anonymous; your responses will be treated in the strictest confidence and you won't be contacted again.

But...as a thank you for your time, if you give us your email address you'll be entered in a draw to win 2 tickets to a show of your choice at the Gala Theatre, Durham (subject to availability).

Question Title

* 1. What is your gender?

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* 2. How many people are in your party?

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* 3. How would you describe the occupation of the MAIN INCOME EARNER in your household? If main wage earner is retired with occupational pension or has been out of paid employment for less than 6 months, please record most recent occupation.

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* 4. Did you come to Durham today mainly for the Streets Festival?

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* 5. Where have you travelled from?

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* 6. If overseas, please state where from.

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* 7. Please may we have your postcode? (It won't be used again, it's just to help us understand how far people have travelled)