Wellness Group/Workshop Planning - please provide us your input

We value your input on improving our services to better meet your needs. Please take a few moments to complete this survey regarding wellness programming so that we can plan and develop sessions to meet your needs. Your responses will be kept confidential and used solely for the purposes of developing our services.

Our sessions are led by a trained Social Worker and/or a Registered Psychotherapist and give individuals the opportunity to come together to learn and talk about shared experiences in a confidential and supportive environment.

Wellness programs give individuals opportunities to engage in meaningful, collaborative activities that cultivate self-care, connection, and enjoyment.

We are going to ask questions about groups and workshops.
Groups involve multiple participants and multiple meetings over a period of time around a topic.
Workshops involve multiple participants for a single meeting on a topic.
1.Would you be interested in attending wellness groups/workshops offered by our Family Health Team?
2.Have you participated in groups before?
3.If yes, please specify the type of group?
4.Are you a patient of one of the Family Health Team doctors?
5.Please indicate which wellness topics you would be interested in for a group? (multiple sessions)
6.Please indicate which wellness topics you would be interested in for a workshop?
7.How long would you prefer each group session to last?
8.How often would you prefer group sessions to occur?
9.Would you prefer a drop-in style group (anyone welcome each session-sessions stand alone as topics) or meeting with the same people on a fixed schedule for multiple sessions?
10.Would you prefer a groups/workshops where you:
11.What number of participants would you be most comfortable with for a group?
12.Would you prefer group sessions to be conducted in-person or virtually (via video conferencing)?
13.What time of day do you prefer for groups or workshops? (workshops might be longer)
14.Do you have any scheduling constraints or preferences not already asked?
15.Please share any additional thoughts or suggestions you have regarding wellness sessions that you feel it would be important for us to know.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
Your feedback is invaluable in helping us tailor our services to better meet your needs.
If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please write them in the comment box above.