Eugene Symphony Guild Young Artist Competition
Sunday, April 15, 2019
Frohnmayer Music Building - University of Oregon
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Junior Division: 9:00 AM -12:00 PM
Senior Division: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Every effort will be made to schedule an audition time suitable for each applicant’s schedule. The Eugene Symphony will make every effort to accommodate scheduling conflicts when possible, but makes no guarantee that such conflicts can be avoided.

Applicants must be 14-18 years old for the Junior Division and 19-25 years old for the Senior Division as of April 15, 2019, and currently reside in Oregon.

Previous prize winners of the Eugene Symphony Guild Young Artist Competition are ineligible to compete.

The Young Artist Competition is open to all orchestral instrumentalists, including pianists. The Competition is not currently open to vocalists.

Repertoire and Accompaniment:
Applicants must prepare a movement from a concerto or single-movement work from the standard orchestral repertoire. Six copies of the soloist’s score are to be provided. Photocopies are permissible.

Based on the panel’s discretion, each performer will be allowed to perform up to six minutes of your prepared piece in the competition. Please note: we do allow cuts in your performance, and the panel of judges may stop you at any time.

Each applicant must provide their own accompanist.

Applicants are encouraged, but not required, to play from memory.

Winners and prizes will be announced at the conclusion of the competition. We will make every effort to stay on time during the competition and appreciate your flexibility.

Participants will receive judges’ comments following the competition.

Competition Prizes:
Senior Division 1st Prize -$1,000
Senior Division 2nd Prize - $500
Junior Division 1st Prize - $500
Junior Division 2nd Prize - $250

The winner(s) of the Senior or Junior divisions may be offered the opportunity to perform with the Eugene Symphony, as well as at Eugene Symphony Guild and other community engagement events.

Registration Fee:
$40 registration fee must be in the form of check or money order made out to Eugene Symphony, postmarked by Friday, April 1, 2019 and mailed to:

Eugene Symphony Association
Young Artist Competition
Attn: Education Director
115 West 8th Avenue
Suite 115
Eugene, OR 97401

Questions? Contact:
Katy Vizdal, Education & Community Engagement Director or call 541-687-9487 x1116

Question Title

* 1. First and Last Name:

Question Title

* 2. Birth date (mm/dd/yr):

Question Title

* 3. Street Address:

Question Title

* 4. City, State, Zip:

Question Title

* 5. Email Address:

Question Title

* 6. Phone Number:

Question Title

* 7. Instrument:

Question Title

* 8. Accompanist's Name:

Question Title

* 9. Title of concerto or single-movement work:

Question Title

* 10. Concerto movement number and title to be performed:

Question Title

* 11. Composer:

Question Title

* 12. Duration of complete single-movement work or concerto movement:

Question Title

* 13. Do you have any time restrictions for April 15, 2018?