Welcome to My Survey

Title of Project: Faculty Occupational Well-being in Canadian Universities: Investigating Job Characteristics, and the Role of Motivation and Basic Psychological Needs
Purpose of the Study: This is an invitation to participate in a research study that aims to investigate the antecedents and outcomes of occupational well-being among faculty members in Canadian universities.

Study Procedure: The procedure will involve completing an online survey that will last about 20 minutes. The survey includes questions regarding your work experiences as a faculty member, motivation, and occupational well-being. The survey is confidential. You can participate in the survey or withdraw from the study by June 15th 2016.

Potential Risks: There are no anticipated risks to you if you participate in this research. All information you provide will remain confidential and all identifiable information will be stripped. The result of the survey will be reported in aggregate form and no references will be made to you in written documents or oral presentations that could reveal your identity.  

Potential Benefits: Completing the questionnaire is an opportunity to reflect on your occupational experiences as a faculty member and to receive a detailed report of your occupational well-being if you are interested. You can also receive the summary of the results about the determinants and outcomes of occupational well-being of the entire sample of participants. By participating in the study, you will contribute to the advancement of knowledge on determinants of faculty members’ occupational well-being. This can have potential benefits for all faculty.

Confidentiality: All information collected in the study is confidential. Once you submit the completed questionnaire, your identifiable information will be removed and replaced with a numeric code. This code will be used for maintenance and analysis of data. Data will be reported in aggregate format and pseudonyms will be used in publications and conference papers if required. All identifiable data will be destroyed after the study procedures are completed. The data will be kept in a password-protected computer in a locked lab in the Education Building at McGill University (3700 McTavish Street).

Voluntary Participation: Participation is voluntary and you are encouraged to ask questions and/or you are free to withdraw from participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. You also have the right to refuse to answer any question that you are not comfortable to answer.

Contact information: If you have any questions or concerns about the study, you may contact the principal investigator Zaynab Sabagh at zaynab.sabagh@mail.mcgill.ca or 514-662-7253, or her supervisor Dr. Alenoush Saroyan alenoush.saroyan@mcgill.ca.
If you have any ethical concerns or complaints about your participation in this study and want to speak with someone not on the research team, please contact the McGill Ethics Manager at 514-398-6831 or lynda.mcneil@mcgill.ca

Question Title

* If you have read the above information and consent to participate in this study, please click on the consent. Agreeing to participate in this study does not waive any of your rights or release the researchers from their responsibilities. It is recommended that you print/save a copy of the consent form and keep it for your own records.

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11% of survey complete.