How important are the following school features to you and your child? 

1.I am interested in enrolling my child(ren) and he/she is currently in
2.A caring and nurturing school with devoted, high quality teachers and a responsive administration, with traditional orthodox Christian beliefs and values
3.Instructional strategies and staffing to address the needs of English language learners - students who are not proficient in the English language
4.Provide additional Orthodox Studies Courses including Religion
5.Families engaged in their children’s learning and in the school
6.Extra-curricular Programs - basketball, soccer, volleyball, Track & Field, chess club, theater club, Art club, Year Book, Odyssey of the Mind Program, Math & Science Olympiad Clubs, Student Council, STEM Club
7.Provide a College Readiness program
8.A. Provide a STEM Program - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Get involved with  competitions.
B. Strong Focus in Mathematics, Science, and Religion
9.What Foreign Language (World Language) would you like the school to offer?(Required.)
10.Information about you:

Please provide your name, Phone, and email