Please provide honest and open feedback.

Question Title

* 1. Please rate your ability in each of these areas:-

  Novice Competent Proficient Expert
Your ability to spot what a “coachable moment” is with your team
Your ability to use key coaching skills such as listening, questioning, building rapport and shifting perspective
Your ability to give and receive feedback and have healthy challenging conversations without creating or feeling personal conflict
Your ability to help your staff to create meaningful goals
Your ability to create clarity for your team around what is expected of them
Your ability to ensure your team have the expected competency level in order to fulfil their role
Your ability to delegate by empowering others, not directing tasks

Question Title

* 2. How confident do you feel in:-

  Lack confident Somewhat confident Confident Extremely confident
Enabling your team to identify and solve their own problems
Creating empowered and motivated teams for “collective brilliance”
Allowing your team to make mistakes
Shaping an ongoing learning & performance culture at EN
Showing up as a leader with authority, presence and impact
Leading yourself and others through change

Question Title

* 3. How often do you have a coaching conversation with individuals in your team/the organisation?