Downtown Parking Survey
At the Homewood City Council planning and development committee meeting on June 5, the results of a downtown Homewood traffic study performed in April was presented. The planning and development committee decided to table the study to spend more time considering next steps. In the mean time, The Homewood Star wants to hear from Homewood residents about their thoughts and suggestions for the parking situation. Fill out our survey and be on the lookout for a follow-up article with the survey results. 

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* 1.
How frequently do you use downtown parking lots?

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* 2. For what purposes do you typically come to downtown Homewood?

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* 3. Where is your preferred area to park?

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* 4.
How often do you have difficulty finding a parking space?

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* 5. Weekdays: What time of day is parking most difficult?

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* 6. Weekends: What time of day is parking most difficult?

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* 7. Do you think the downtown area needs additional parking?

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* 8. If necessary, elaborate on your above answer.

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* 9. Do you agree with the Regional Planning Commission's conclusions from their parking study, that there are enough parking spaces to handle demand but the city needs better enforcement of rules? To read the full recap of the study results, click here.

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* 10. Which of the following options do you think would help improve downtown parking availability?

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* 11.
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