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Tell us how we're doing!

As we continue praying for every family effected by COVID-19 (coronavirus), we want to take this time to get your feedback on how Reid Temple is doing in Building the Beloved Community during this season. Please take a few minutes to take this very short and anonymous survey on how we are communicating and meeting the needs of our Reid Temple Community. Your response will help us with future planning and organizing. 

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* 1. Overall, Reid Temple is doing a great job communicating with me during this season.

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* 2. The regular emails, texts, and calls from Reid Temple are informative and helpful.

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* 3. The Daily Prayer Calls are helping me during this season.

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* 4. Online Worship Services are uplifting and fulfilling.

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* 5. Online Bible Studies are educational and comprehensive.

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* 6. Reid Temple is doing a great job supporting me with necessary resources during this season.

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* 7. How have you been engaging with Reid Temple lately? Choose all that apply.

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* 8. Reid Temple is striving to meet the needs of our members and community. Please share your ideas, thoughts and suggestions that will continue to help us meet the need.

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* 9. What is your age group?

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* 10. Gender

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* 11. How are you affiliated with Reid Temple?

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