You're in the right place to make all your reservations for the High Holidays at KI! Note that all reservations are due by August 31, 2022. Payment information can be found at the very bottom of this survey. If you have any questions or need additional help, please call the KI office at 502-459-2780 or email Thank you!

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* 1. Please enter your contact information:

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* 3. Please list the names of the people who will be sitting in your High Holiday seats.

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* 4. Please let us know any seating requests you might have. (EG "I'd like the same seats I've always sat in"; "I'd like to be as close to the front as possible"; "I'd like to be seated next to my cousins Moshe and Miriam")

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* 5. If you'll need babysitting (up to age 6) during the High Holidays, please list the children's name(s) and age(s) below, and for which service(s) you'll need babysitting. ($10/day per child.)

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* 6. Please let us know the names and ages of any children (PreK to B'nai Mitzvah age) who will be attending Family Services during High Holidays.

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* 7. Please let us know if you'll be attending any of our special programs below. Note all programs are free except the Rosh HaShahah dinner ($25/adult; $15/ages 7-11; 6 and under free.)

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* 8. If you would like to purchase a Lulav/Etrog set ($54 each), let us know how many you would like to order.

Here is how to pay for any of your reservations from above:

We encourage you to make all of your High Holiday payments on Give for Good Louisville which is on September 15th so you can take advantage of matching dollars.

1) To pay online by credit or debit card, please go to or you can call us at 502-459-2780 and we can accept payments over the phone; 2) To pay by check please mail your payment to KI at 2531 Taylorsville Road, Louisville, KY 40205. Note that all payments are required by September 19th.

If anyone has any financial difficulties please reach out to Yonatan at 502-459-2780 or - we never want finances to be an obstacle to being part of the KI community.