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Lowell Street (Route 133) Improvement Project
Public Feedback Survey

The Town of Andover Planning and Public Works Departments are seeking to make long-needed improvements to the Lowell Street (Route 133) corridor, which is a vital arterial for residents and businesses of Andover and the local region. We are soliciting public input at this early stage to help refine the goals and develop the priorities for the project to ensure that it best meets the needs of abutters, residents, business owners and other stakeholders. The project limits will extend approximately 1.25 miles, from West Parish to Shawsheen Village, and will include upgrades at the intersections with Beacon Street/Shawsheen Road and Main Street (Route 28). To be eligible for State and Federal funding, the project must incorporate accommodations for all users and various modes of transportation, including vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists and transit riders. Successfully addressing the project goals while being sensitive to abutter concerns will be key to the success of this project. We ask that you carefully consider and provide answers to the following questions to help guide the development of this project.

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* 1. What is your relationship to the project?

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* 2. What is your current level of comfort walking along Lowell Street?

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* 3. What level of bicyclist are you?

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* 4. What is your current level of comfort bicycling along Lowell Street?

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* 8. If the corridor improvements were to include on-road 5’ bicycle lanes with a 2’ to 3’ striped buffer, how might this change your comfort level for bicycling on Lowell Street? (Example on next page)

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* 9. If the corridor improvements were to include a shared-use path (typically 10’ with 5’ buffer from roadway) on one side of Lowell Street, how might this change your comfort level for bicycling on Lowell Street? (Example on next page)

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* 10. Would you be more likely to walk along Lowell Street if improved/expanded sidewalks and crosswalks were provided?

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* 11. Do you believe the corridor would benefit from having sidewalks on both sides of Lowell Street?

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* 12. What is your overall level of support for improvements to Lowell Street?

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* 13. How would you like to participate in public outreach moving forward (check all that apply):

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* 14. OPTIONAL: If you wish to be included in future project notifications, please provide contact information.

Go to: for more information

You’re welcome to email any comments, questions, or additional considerations for the project to planning @ Thank you for your time. The results of the survey will be posted on the Town’s Project website @
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