Applied Silver Webinar Attendee Survey Question Title * 1. What changes in hygiene and cleanliness have practices have you made at your hotel or property since COVID-19? Check all that apply. Increased cleaning of high touch points Adoption of a UV robot Use of electrostatic sprayers Lengthening the time rooms sit idle between guests Closing of amenities (e.g., spa, restaurant) Question Title * 2. Which best describes where you service the laundry (sheets, towels, linens etc.) of your hotel or property? On site Off site at Royal Laundry Off site at other commercial laundry If other commercial laundry, please specify. Question Title * 3. Prior to attending the webinar, were you aware of the risks of soft surfaces spreading pathogens? Yes Slightly aware Not at all Question Title * 4. Prior to attending the webinar, had you heard of the SilvaClean brand? Very familiar with the brand I've heard of it No knowledge at all Question Title * 5. After attending the webinar, how confident do you feel about the effectiveness of SilvaClean in providing continuous protection on soft surfaces and preventing the spread of pathogens? Rate on a scale of 1-10. 0 10 Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 6. After attending the webinar, how confident do you feel about the ease of integrating SilvaClean into your existing cleanliness and hygiene program? Rate on a scale of 1-10. 0 10 Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 7. After attending the webinar, how confident do you feel about SilvaClean strengthening your cleanliness program and providing guests reassurance in staying at your hotel or property? 0 10 Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 8. Please share any other feedback you have on the webinar and/or the SilvaClean brand. Question Title * 9. Please enter your contact information for a chance to win a SilvaClean gift bag. Name Company Email Address Phone Number Done, thank you!