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Hello there!

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts that will help us shape and imagine the direction for Volunteer Alberta. Over the next 3 years, we want to better respond and understand our call to service, and how we might better support an engaged and thriving civil society. 

This survey will help us gather community feedback in addition to the in-person community conversations held in July 2023. We understand that only some have time to attend gatherings like this or prefer to provide written feedback. We value both equally. 

As we do in our in-person gatherings, we list our ways of being as we connect. As you go through these prompts, we invite you to share only what you are comfortable with, and to remember that your insights are important to us. Sometimes, we have a tendency to edit ourselves, especially in written form. Try to write what comes to mind organically, not what you think we want to hear. 

Finally, depending on how long you'd like to spend on each question, this questionnaire should take no longer than 7-10 minutes. We've extended the survey deadline on September 18 at 12 PM Mountain Time. 

We look forward to hearing what you share!

The Team at Volunteer Alberta
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