PVSD Survey

Hello students! We are interested in knowing more about what you think of your middle school experience. Please give some thought to the questions below and feel free to be honest in sharing your opinion with us. Your feedback is valuable and will be used to help us make your school experience as positive as it can be.

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1. I am a

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2. What is your grade? 

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3. How was the preparation for middle school from elementary?

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4. I feel welcome in my school.

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5. I feel safe at school.  Why or why not?

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6. Students show respect for other students.

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7. Teachers show respect for students.

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8. Which of the statements below best describes your middle school experience so far?  

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9. Middle school has been challenging, I am learning a lot. 

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10. My teachers have high expectations for me. 

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11. We would like to know about homework.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Homework is easy.
There is too much time spent on homework.
The homework assigned is generally meaningful.
The homework assigned can be frustrating.
Sometimes I don't understand the point of my homework. 

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12. Select the response that best indicates your access to technology and the internet at home:

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13. An initiative planned for next year involves providing all middle school students with a Chromebook for use during the school day and at home. How do you feel about this?

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14. What do you typically do during Advisory? Feel free to check all that apply. 

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15. Do you prefer having Advisory period at the beginning of the day or at the end? Feel free to explain your choice.

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16. As the school works to improve and prepare students to be "future ready," please rank the following on how important they are to you:

  Not important at all Somewhat important Important Really important Imperative
Proficient performance on State tests like PSSAs and Keystones
Use of technology in the classrooms
Writing and communication skills
Digital literacy
STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) coursework
The Arts (art class, vocal music class and/or ensembles)
World languages
Athletics and sports
Clubs and other extracurricular activities
Dances and activity nights

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17. How do you feel about middle school students having the option to carry backpacks during the school day? Feel free to express why or why not.

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18. How is communication with your teachers?

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I feel comfortable talking with my teachers.
I feel comfortable meeting with my counselor.
I feel comfortable talking with my principals. 
I feel informed about what is happening in my school. 

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19. I respect the school's teachers.

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20. I respect the school's principal.

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21. Would you recommend your middle school to others? 

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22. What do you like most about the middle school experience and why? 

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23. What would you like to see improved about middle school and why?