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* 1. How often do you read Stratfor Worldview?

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* 2. On a scale from 1-5, how interested are you in knowing what major geopolitical events are happening in the world?

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* 3. How often do you view our Geopolitical Calendar?

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* 4. Please rank these potential new features in order of priority for you. ( 1 = Top Priority, 5 = Lowest Priority)

  1 2 3 4 5
Ability to view a calendar of major geopolitical events for the next 12 months. You would be able to filter by month.
Ability to filter a calendar of events by region (ex: Europe, Asia-Pacific). You would be able to view events by region and by month.
Ability to filter a calendar of events by topic (ex: Politics, Economics). You would be able to view events by topic and by month.
Ability to add the calendar of events to your own calendar (Outlook, Google, etc.). You would be able to add our full calendar to yours.
Ability to add parts of the calendar to your own calendar. You would be able to add a region and/or a topic to your calendar.

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* 5. If there are other features you would like us to build, please describe them below. Please include a description of the problem that this feature solves, and where you would prioritize it in relation to the five features above.