The Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools are seeking feedback from parents to improve federal programs. Please take a few minutes to respond to this survey. Thank you.

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* 1. I feel welcome at my child's school.

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* 2. Parent involvement is promoted at my child's school.

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* 3. There is effective two-way communication between home and school.

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* 4. This school adds value to the community through quality programs.

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* 5. I have attended Title I Family Learning Night(s) with my family this school year.

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* 6. Which things are important to you at a Title I Family Learning Night?

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* 7.

The Title I Parent Plan at each school involves parents by providing:

  • Title I Family Learning Nights
  • Academic support (e.g. interventions, tutoring)
  • Opportunities for parental input
  • Information about curriculum, learning, and student progress
  • You can view the Dye Parent Involvement Plan here

I am satisfied with the Title I Parent Plan at my child's school

Question Title

* 8.

How can we improve the Title I Parent Plans?

Question Title

* 9. Every fall parents, students and teachers sign the Dye Elementary Compact. This form is an agreement that outlines what we can all commit to doing to support teaching and learning at Dye Elementary. This is what the parent section of the Dye Student-Parent-Teacher Compact for 2023-2024 says:

As a parent or guardian, I will:
· talk with my child about school
· send my child to school daily unless my child is sick
· check on the progress of my child by talking to the teacher or checking online platforms such as - ParentVue, Class Dojo, Google Classroom, etc.
· encourage learning at home and reinforce the school rules
· support school routines and expectations

Can you commit to these same statements for the 2024-2025 school year?

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* 10. Is there anything you would like to add to the compact for the 2024-2025 school year?

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* 11. Did your child(ren) participate in academic interventions with a tutor this year? (e.g. Phonemic Awareness, LLI, CRI, or TOMMI Math)

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* 12. Do you think the intervention program was helpful for your child(ren)?

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* 13. Would you recommend the Title I intervention programs to other parents?

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* 14. Students are selected for reading and math interventions based on assessment scores. Do you have any other suggestions for the intervention program?

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* 15. What supports do you need at home to help your child(ren) to continue learning? (Check all that apply)

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* 16. Raffle Entry Information: