Campus Compact CPV Survey Introduction

Thank you for taking Campus Compact's College Positive Volunteer (CPV) Survey.

Campus Compact, a national non-profit, is a coalition of nearly 1,100 colleges and universities committed to the public purposes of higher education. College Positive Volunteerism is one example of how Campus Compact creates and spreads existing resources to enhance student success.

This survey is part of a three-part series:
1- Pre-Training Survey
2- Post-Training Survey
3- Impact Survey
*Participating in this survey does not require the completion of the previous surveys.

The remaining surveys will be sent to you by email. These surveys are part of a pilot study collecting data on the CPV experience to:
(a) measure whether this curriculum has a positive impact on both mentors and K-12 youth
(b) identify how it can be improved in the future

The data produced by these surveys will be accessible to both Campus Compact staff as well as other higher education staff/faculty members interested in the program. All of the information you provide will remain strictly anonymous.

This survey, the CPV Impact Survey, will take approximately 15-20 minutes.