Question Title

* 1. This survey is being conducted by Adler Weiner Research in order to determine your eligibility for a focus group or interview about which you have been contacted. At no point are your individual answers ever sold or shared with our clients (aggregate data or anonymized summaries of the overall survey information may possibly be shared with our clients, however). This survey serves solely as a means for screening. Once the project has been completed this data will be deleted.  For more information please see:
Right to Opt-Out Info
Financial Incentive Info
Adler Weiner Privacy Policy

Question Title

* 2. Please fill in the following

Question Title

* 3. Which area of the country is your permanent residence?

Question Title

* 4. With which gender do you identify?

Question Title

* 5. To which age group do you belong?

Question Title

* 6. What is your exact age?

Question Title

* 7. Which best describes your ethnicity? Check all that apply

Question Title

* 8. Which of the following best describes your current employment status?

Question Title

* 9. How many people live in your household?

Question Title

* 10. Including yourself, how many people live in your household

Question Title

* 11. Into which of the following age groups do the children in your household fall?

Question Title

* 12. What is your Job Title, Company Name and Industry?

Question Title

* 13. Do you or anyone any your household currently work in any of the options below? Check all that apply

Question Title

* 14. When was the last time you participated in a market research study of any kind – such as a one-on-one interview, group discussion, opinion survey, or a product test in which you were asked to rate or discuss products, ideas, or advertising?

Question Title

* 15. On what topics have you participated in marketing research in the past?

Question Title

* 16. When was the last time, if ever, you have shopped in each of the following ways?

  Past month Past 2 to 3 months Past 4 to 6 months Past 7 to 9 months Past 10 to 12 months Over a year ago Never

Question Title

* 17. In general, what percentage of your shopping is online vs. in-store? Please give me an approximate percentage for each.

Question Title

* 18. Of the following retailers, how often do you typically shop online at each of those retailers?

  Within the past month Weekly or more often About twice a month Monthly Every 2-3 months Less than every 3 months Never
Amazon Fresh
Sam’s Club
Fred Meyers
Whole Foods (via Amazon)

Question Title

* 19. Thinking about your typical online shopping habits, approximately what percentage, if any, is spent with the following retailers you told us you shopped at over the past month?

Question Title

* 20. And approximately how much, in dollars, do you spend with each of the following retailers each month?

  $0-15 $16-29 $30-45 $46-60 $61-100 Over $100

Question Title

* 21. Which, if any, of the following stores have you shopped at in-person in the past 3 months?

Question Title

* 22. How often do you typically shop at each of the following stores in-person?

  Weekly or more often About twice a month Monthly Every 2-3 months Less than every 3 months
Amazon Fresh
Amazon Go
Sam’s Club
Fred Meyers
Whole Foods
Trader Joe’s

Question Title

* 23. By supercenter stores, I mean stores that have groceries (including fresh produce and meat/seafood) and a variety of department store items, like clothing, furniture, electronics, and more, all in the same retail location. These stores include places like Target, Walmart, or Costco.

How frequently do you typically shop at supercenter stores?

Question Title

* 24. Thinking about all of your shopping over the past month more broadly, which of the following types of items have you purchased online generally, from Amazon specifically, or in-person at supercenter stores?

As a reminder, by supercenter stores, I mean stores that have groceries (including fresh produce and meat/seafood) and a variety of department store items, like clothing, furniture, electronics, and more, all in the same retail location. These stores include places like Target, Walmart, or Costco.

You may choose more than one type of store per row Ie: Amazon and Superstore...etc

  Online generally Amazon specifically In-person at supercenter stores Did not purchase
Baby (e.g., diapers, baby wipes, baby food/formula)
Beauty and personal care (e.g., makeup, toothpaste, deodorant)
Household essentials (e.g., laundry detergent, cleaning products, paper products, etc.)
Pet supplies (e.g., pet food, cat litter, toys, treats)
Grocery items (e.g., produce, meat, pantry staples, beverages)
Entertainment (e.g. books, music, video games)
Electronics (e.g., computer/phone accessories, video game system, home speakers)
Home furniture and décor (e.g., desk, chair, pillows, rug)
Clothing and accessories (e.g., pants, jewelry, sunglasses)
Sports equipment or supplies (e.g., weights, yoga mats)

Question Title

* 25. Which, if any, of the following membership and/or subscription services do you currently have? Check all that apply

Please include any memberships or subscriptions you have access to through another service (e.g., a customer or cardholder benefit, bundled option).