Township of North Stormont - Backyard Hen Survey

1.Do you live within a settlement area (town, village, or hamlet)?
2.Do you support residents being allowed to keep hens on residential property in the Township of North Stormont?
3.Would you be interested in having hens on your property?
4.On what type of residential properties should backyard hens be permitted?
5.Should a rural residential lot be permitted more hens than residential lots within a settlement area?
6.If backyard hens were to be allowed on residential properties in the Township of North Stormont, how many hens per property would be an appropriate limit?
7.Why are you interested in being allowed to keep hens on you residential property in North Stormont? Please select all that apply.
8.What concerns do you have about residents being allowed to keep hens on their residential properties in North Stormont? Please select all that apply.
9.If hens were to be allowed in the Township of North Stormont, which of the following regulations should apply? Please select all that apply.
10.If the township were to allow residents to have hens on their property, please let us know how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. The rating scheme is as follows:

First circle 'strongly disagree'
Second circle 'disagree'
Third circle 'indifferent'
Fourth circle 'agree'
Fifth circle 'strongly agree'
Residents should have to apply for a permit or license before having backyard hens.
The township should inspect all properties to ensure appropriate setback and construction before permitting a backyard chicken coop.
The township should charge a fee to conduct inspections before issuing a permit for backyard hens.
Backyard hens should require a license every year, like a dog license.
11.If hens were to be allowed in the Township of North Stormont, what would be an appropriate minimum setback for coops from neighbouring properties?
12.Are there any other comments you wish to provide?