This survey is about the way genetics is taught to year 9/10 students. It is part of a process at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research to develop free resources for Australian teachers. Thank you for your time.

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* 1. Are you a current Australian high school science teacher?

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* 2. Where is your school located?

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* 3. Is your school

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* 4. Is your school considered

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* 5. How many years have you been teaching?

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* 6. What classes are you currently teaching? (select all that apply)

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* 7. What is the highest level to which you have ever studied genetics?

For the following questions, please consider your school's current year 9/10 program for science. We are interested in how you teach and assess content relating to DNA, genetics and biotechnology.

This includes coverage of the Australian Curriculum Content Descriptor "Transmission of heritable characteristics from one generation to the next involves DNA and genes (ACSSU184)" as well as the associated Science as a Human Endeavour descriptors that relate to DNA and biotechnology.

In the NSW syllabus, this content is found under Living World content descriptor "LW3 Advances in scientific understanding often rely on developments in technology, and technological advances are often linked to scientific discoveries."

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* 8. In which term is the above genetics-related content covered? (please consider the terms of the calendar year)

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* 9. Please consider the following challenges that you may experience when teaching genetics-related content and indicate whether they apply to your experience

  Does not apply Applies very little Applies somewhat Usually applies Strongly or always applies
My students struggle to understand genetic concepts
My students do not engage with genetics or find it boring
Literacy or numeracy challenges hinder teaching of genetics
It is not possible or appropriate to discuss social and ethical implications of genetics with my class
It is difficult to find enough time to cover genetics content
It is difficult to find resources to cover genetics content

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* 10. Please share some thoughts about what has worked well or not worked when teaching this content

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* 11. How interested would you be in the following resources?

  Not interested A little interested Unsure Probably interested Definitely interested
Classroom resources relating to DNA, genes and heredity
Resources related to social and ethical implications of genetic testing or bio/genetic technologies
Media literacy and/or critical thinking resources
Resources that involve other subjects (cross-curricular design)
STEAM resources (incorporating arts/humanities into STEM)
Student competitions within and outside of the school
Opportunities to showcase student work within and beyond the school
Resources for special events e.g. DNA day, National Science Week, genetics awareness days
Professional development relating to teaching genetics in Year 10/Stage 5 and related applications

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* 12. Optional: 
If you would be interested in opportunities to contribute further to resource development or testing (e.g. interviews, focus groups or co-collaborations) please enter your name, school and email address and area of interest below.

If you would simply like to sign up for updates on resources and PD opportunities, a link will be provided once the survey is completed.

Thank you so much for contributing, we greatly appreciate your time and expertise