Substance use and misuse: Screening tools and interventions for occupational therapists

Presented by: Niki Kiepek
This hands-on one-day workshop is intended for occupational therapists who wish to increase their capacity to select and use appropriate screening tools and interventions when working with adults who misuse substances or have a concurrent disorder. To allow more hands-on learning opportunities and to ensure that participants have a base knowledge on substance use within occupational therapy frameworks, psychoactive substances and harm reduction, participants will be asked to read Chapters 1, 3 and 4 of Licit, Illicit, Prescribed: Substance Use and Occupational Therapy (Kiepek, 2016) prior to the workshop.

Question Title

* 1. If you would be interested in participating in this workshop in a location not listed on the CAOT website, please write your email address below.

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* 2.

Please select all the provinces and/or territories where you would be willing to attend this workshop:

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* 3. In order to help us determine the exact location, please indicate your city/town:

Thank you for participating. We will contact all that responded to this survey with additional information if we receive sufficient responses and are opening a new workshop location. If you have any questions that arise in the meantime, please contact