Restaurant Outlook Survey - Q2 2024 Question Title * 1. What are the top challenges facing your business? (please select all that apply) Repaying debt incurred during the pandemic None of the above Attracting new customers Food costs Cost of credit / financing Supply disruptions Energy / utility costs Labor costs Bringing back repeat customers The economy Labor shortages High interest rates Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Over the last two years, how much have the following increased (or decreased) by? Total food cost % Total labour cost % Insurance % Utilities % Other operating expenses % Question Title * 3. Over the next 12 months, by how much do you expect you will raise your menu prices compared to last year? Less than 1% 1% to 2% 2% to 3% 3% to 4% 4% to 5% 5% to 6% 6% to 7% More than 7% Not sure / don't know If more than 7%, by how much do you expect you will raise your menu prices in 2024 compared to 2023? Question Title * 4. What best describes the current profitability of your overall operations? Making a pre-tax profit of 10% or more Making a pre-tax profit between 6% and 9% Making a pre-tax profit between 3% and 5% Making a pre-tax profit between 0% and 2% Breaking even Operating at a loss Next