RelativityOne - Mayapple

A qualified Relativity document reviewer effectively uses a wide range of Relativity review tools, such as markups, batches, filters, and analytics tools, to efficiently code documents in Relativity. This individual likely has some experience conducting first and/or second pass reviews in Relativity and helps troubleshoot common review challenges where able. 
Please answer the following questions and review each topic to determine the frequency and importance of each task for what you consider to be a qualified Relativity reviewer. Use the guidelines below when choosing your answers.

Frequency: How often is this task performed by a qualified Relativity reviewer?
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Quarterly
  • Never

Importance: How costly is it if a document reviewer doesn't know how to complete this task, or makes a mistake in this area?
  • High importance - A high risk task that is very costly in terms of time, money, or risk if done incorrectly.
    • Example: For a doctor, performing surgery on a patient is a highly critical task that involves high risk and is costly if done incorrectly.
  • Moderate importance - A task that may be somewhat costly in terms of time, money, or risk if done incorrectly.
    • Example: For a doctor, taking a patient's temperature may be a moderately critical task that could be somewhat costly if done incorrectly.
  • Low importance - A low risk task that is unlikely to be costly if done incorrectly.
    • Example: For a doctor, changing patient bedlinens is a low risk activity when compared to other job tasks.

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* 1. What is your job title?

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* 2. List the five most important tasks you complete at your job:

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* 3. Based on your experience, what skills or competencies distinguish a great Relativity document reviewer from a good Relativity document reviewer?

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* 12. Do you currently have the RelativityOne Review Pro certification?

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* 13. Do you use RelativityOne or Relativity Server?

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* 14. The Certification team is often looking for volunteers to provide additional feedback. Please provide your email address if you are interested in helping the team in the future.