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Emotional Intelligence Quiz

Our work performance impacts how well we get along with our coworkers and our opportunities for advancement.

Several factors will have an impact on this. Emotional intelligence is seen as one of these factors.

Daniel Goleman, a psychologist, first introduced emotional intelligence (EQ) in his 1995 book "Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More Than IQ." Take this short quiz to assess your understanding of emotional intelligence.

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* 1. Emotional Intelligence or Emotional Quotient (EQ) is equally important to job performance or success as Intelligence Quotient (IQ).

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* 2. IQ tests have been around for a long time, IQ is measurable, EQ can’t be scored or measured.

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* 3. Those with higher EQ are more likely to have productive relationships.

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* 4. Employers don’t know how to assess for EQ nor is it important for their hiring criteria.  

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* 5. Unlike IQ, which is generally set from a certain age, EQ can be improved over time.

Are you interested in learning more about your own Emotional Intelligence?  CPA Alberta offers an EQ assessment to CPAs, done by a certified EQ-i 2.0® coach who can deliver and debrief your EQ results.
Request your Emotional Intelligence Assessment today!  Emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0

Also, join our webinar on Wednesday, January 19 to learn more about the latest trends and best practices about Emotional Intelligence.  Click here to register: Prepare for Success - Emotional Intelligence at Work
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